pg电子官网州立大学的舞蹈课程侧重于学生的职业前发展 majoring in dance and provides a strong foundation for 大学 transfer. 课程 are also taught as electives and are available for non-credit.

Admission Requirements and Curriculum


你喜欢跳舞吗?想从事舞蹈表演、编舞、 或教育? Would you like to develop professional level dance technique and uninhibited artistic expression while earning college credit?


If so, then the 跳舞 Program at WSCC is a great place for you. 我们的项目会有所帮助 你发展了专业的实践技能,在你的理解和欣赏中成长 of dance as an art form, and pursue dance as a possible career choice. 从本质上讲, 我们提供了一个音乐学院的方法来学习舞蹈在文科设置,结合 with professional-caliber performance opportunities. WSCC’s goal is to produce technically 强壮而富有艺术表现力的舞者因其专业精神而受到追捧 并且能够轻松地适应当今舞蹈所要求的各种风格 专业人士. This program develops skills needed to pursue industry career options or further education at a four-year college or 大学 program.

WSCC舞蹈课程以副学士学位的形式提供机会 and in Short-Term Certificates. The General Studies Associate Degree offers two dance focuses, one in 舞蹈表演 and one in 舞蹈教育.  两张短期证书 are also available with concentrations, in Choreography and in Teaching Ballet. 你 你也可以试镜快板舞蹈剧院,WSCC舞蹈公司,你会在哪里 有机会为年度演出和节日表演和编舞, 在观看其他大学舞蹈学生和专业舞蹈团的表演时,请采取 master classes, service learning and outreach programs, and study abroad.

Participation in 快板舞剧 at pg电子官网状态
     Associates in Science Degree with a Concentration in
          舞蹈表演 and 舞蹈教育*
          Short-Term Certificate in Choreography*
          Short-Term Certificate in Ballet Pedagogy*

pg电子官网州立骄傲队是一个由pg电子官网州立大学组成并由其管理的舞蹈队 学生. The squad provides halftime entertainment for home basketball games, travels 参加比赛,参加社区活动,筹款活动,节日游行, 等. 

10:00-11:00 a.m.
WSCC 跳舞 Studios located in the Wellness Center

注册 for 骄傲线海选

布鲁克Desnoes / 舞蹈老师 at pg电子官网状态 Community College

一位移居法国的美国人最近回到了阿拉巴马州的卡尔曼, 布鲁克Desnoës是她这一代最有天赋和多产的教学艺术家之一, with over twenty years of experience at the international level. 她在进行职前培训 培训项目为许多人打开了通往成功职业生涯的大门 学生. 夫人. Desnoës trains her 学生 “from the inside out” and provides them with an educational experience of the highest caliber.

“布鲁克是我认识的少数几个能看到‘大局’的人之一 她能立即意识到什么是有价值的,什么是有潜力的 带他们. She is not afraid to consider all possible connections and benefits, with 这种多样性使她的教学和编舞更加完整 education in a dancer of today’s time.——维奥莱特·威尔迪

布鲁克Desnoes在她的家乡阿拉巴马州接受了早期的舞蹈训练,并继续学习 to dance with ballet companies across the Southeast and in Europe. 她跳过舞 各种各样的剧目,包括许多经典芭蕾舞中的主角,如“睡觉” 《pg电子官网》、《电子pg游戏官网》、《电子pg游戏官网》和《电子pg游戏官网》,以及当代艺术家的作品 舞蹈指导. After a period of teaching at The Washington School of Ballet in Washington D.C.在Mary 一天的指导下,布鲁克Desnoes创立了L’acadsammie amacimricaine 巴黎之舞(AADP). Since its 创建 in 1997, AADP grew to become one of the largest and most reputable ballet 学校 in Europe.

Ms. Desnoës拥有布伦瑙大学芭蕾教育学学士学位和教育学硕士学位 来自米德尔塞克斯大学. She obtained the French state ballet-teaching certificate 自1993年以来一直是“国际舞蹈委员会”/教科文组织的成员 2006. 她直接与皇家舞蹈学院合作,协调巴黎的活动 where she was granted the title of Mentor in 2009. In 2014, for its 25th anniversary, 安嫩伯格基金会确定布鲁克Desnoës为25位愿景驱动者之一 领导人选择代表8500名受赠人,他们的愿景自1999年以来得到了他们的支持 创建.

An Audition is required for participation in the following programs; Allegro 跳舞 pg电子官网州立大学戏剧学院,理科副学士学位,主修舞蹈 表演与舞蹈教育,短期编舞证书,短期 Certificate in Ballet Pedagogy.

跳舞 scholarships are available and require an application and 试镜. 奖学金 recipients are required to maintain a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in a minimum of two WSCC 完成所有WSCC舞蹈表演要求.

Auditions are held on the WSCC campus three times a year. 学生应试镜 在进入舞蹈课程的预定日期之前至少一个学期.  特定地点的海选也可以全年在其他地点举行.

Submit a 跳舞 Audition Application

联系 布鲁克 for details about times, dates, and site specific locations.
对于那些可能无法参加现场的学生,可以接受视频试镜 试镜. Click here for Video Audition Package.

WSCC Campus Audition Guidelines

  1. 芭蕾技术课- 45 - 60分钟古典芭蕾课,20分钟足尖舞 有脚尖舞经验的学员将在接下来的课程中学习.
  2. 信息环节——20分钟的节目介绍,然后是提问和提问 回答会话. 父母 and/or guardians are welcome to attend this part of the 试镜.
  3. Solo/Variation Presentation - 1 to 2 ½-minute solo or classical variation. 学生 是否应该准备一个独舞或变奏来突出他们感觉的舞蹈风格 最舒适的表演. 音乐 should be in form of Cd or on a device, which is 电缆做好准备. 没有服装.

Audition Dates:        February 11, 2022, March 11, 2022


女:黑色紧身衣、粉色紧身衣、芭蕾舞鞋、足尖鞋(如适用). Hair must be securely placed in ballet bun.

男:黑色紧身裤或舞蹈裤,白色t恤,黑色或白色芭蕾 鞋子.

Pre- Registration for Audition is MANDATORY, mail the following to WSCC;

Tendu a la Seconde的照片
Photo of Develop a la Seconde

一页的个人陈述,说明为什么你是被录取的最佳候选人 into the WSCC dance program and/or scholarship candidate. 解释哪些属性 you will bring to the program

Enrollment in all WSCC 跳舞 项目 is by 试镜. Prospective 学生 may also apply for a scholarship during the 试镜 process. Please contact the WSCC Fine and Performing Arts Department for 试镜 dates or further questions.


跳舞Kids is a community outreach program open to 学生 in 3rd – 8th grades. 类 通常为期六周,以主题为基础,在秋季和秋季举行 学年的春天. Performance or demonstration opportunities follow the 每次会话结束. WSCC教员协助 by WSCC dance pedagogy 学生 instruct dancers in ballet, jazz, modern, or creative dance techniques.

美术学院的舞蹈学生必须就读于WSCC合作高中之一 学校. The classes consist of a distinctive and comprehensive program designed to 培养能够整合专业前课程或进修的学生 their dance education at the college and 大学 level. 特殊的培训和 对每个学生的专注为古典音乐提供了坚实的技术基础 ballet and encourages artistic expression in all disciplines of dance. 学生茁壮成长 在整个过程中包含大量性能机会的环境中 年,讲习班,和大师班以及参加节日和舞蹈 比赛.

会话: 九月至十二月
春季会议: 一月至五月

Pre-Professional Program (12 – 19 year olds)
这个为期四天的强化课程每年举办一次,为认真的学生提供了机会 to cap off their summer studies and prepare for the season ahead. WSCC教员协助 由WSCC舞蹈教育学学生指导舞者芭蕾技术,脚尖,变奏, 还有爵士乐或现代课.  

专业舞蹈预科课程是为了教育和训练学生的艺术 古典芭蕾和现代舞,同时激发对音乐的欣赏 和运动. An artistic asset of the Cullman community, we emphasize developmentally 正确的舞蹈技巧,增强力量的身体调节,多样化的剧目, 艺术表现.


10:00-10:15 am        Body Conditioning Warm-up
10:15-11:30 am        Ballet Technique Class
11:30-12:00 pm        Lunch Time (Bring from home)
12:00-12:45 pm        Repertory/Pointe
1:00-2:00 pm            Jazz 跳舞/Modern 跳舞

Career Opportunities in 跳舞: 舞蹈事业








  • 一天
  • 混合动力


课程: 学习计划

通路地图: 舞蹈教育, 舞蹈表演


时间表 & 目录